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The Czechoslovakian Vlcak's breed survey is called a Bonitation, which is an evaluation of the dogs structure, temperament/character, and overall judgment compared to the standard.  In both Czech Republic and Slovak Republic, Vlcaks are not allowed to be bred without this breed survey.


By bonitation we judge the exterior and character of an individual in compliance with standard recognized by the FCI. Age for males is min. 24 months and females min. 18 months.

Bonitation code is the main stud term. As stud can be accepted by males only assessment P1 or P3, (P5 – about this male used in breeding must decide the breeding committee) and by females the evaluation P1, P3 and P5.


By judgeing the dog, the breeding committee is looking on age, gender, the whole appearance, type and generosity, frame - the height and length, depth, width and strength of the skeleton and harmony of body shape. They descript the various parts of the body, starting from the head, including the teeth, the bite, eyes and ears. Furthermore, the procedure describes the neck, torso, forequarters, hindquarters, tail, quality and color of fur. Also the movement. And at the end also the nature of the individual. Any deviation - the defect is then recorded.


The dog must stand straight when measuring!

• A dental examination
• check of the testicles by males
• the height at the withers
• color of eye
• body length
• length of the front legs
• length and perimeter of pastern
• lower leg length
• the length of the thigh
• length head
• the length of the instep
• length of muzzle
• head width
• the length of the ear
• the depth and width of chest
• chest

The calculations of measured values:
• Index of height
• Index of format
• Index head

Assessment of the dog:
• standing
• by the move
• Nature - character

Assessment of nature

behave of individual during the measurement
behave of individual during the test
     a) a group of persons
     b) forfeiture in the presence of the handler
     c) forfeiture of the dog handler's absence
     d) response to a crash sound - shot
     e) control of attenuation of dog

Bonitation result is a card with recorded values and bonitation code that is

entered into the pedigree dog. Its valid a lifetime.

Klub chovateľov československého vlčiaka Slovenskej republiky (KCHČSV SR)

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The Wolf's Den

Lakeland, Florida 33811

United States of America


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